Are Schools Opening Or Holiday in Punjab Tomorrow 13 May 2023
Is there a holiday in Punjab schools and colleges on 13 May 2023? Thousands are asking this question of people. We know that due to the current Law and order situation in Punjab Govt has already announced holidays for 10,11 and 12 May 2023.
One Source told that “The Punjab Education Department has announced the opening of all government schools across the province from tomorrow (Saturday), May 13. Secretary School Education Ahmed Dawla said that Friday was the last day of school holidays in Punjab, government schools across Punjab will open as usual from tomorrow Saturday”.
New Datesheet for 9th class postponed papers in Punjab
As per the previous notification, all schools will open on Saturday 13 May 2023 and routine work will be started tomorrow. All Schools, Colleges, and universities will remain open.

The implementation of Section 144 has been extended in Punjab, and the Punjab Home Department has extended the implementation of Section 144 throughout the province for an indefinite period. Meanwhile, PPSC has postponed all PMS Exams till further notice.
All BISE Boards papers are also postponed till 12th May 2023. If schools open then the paper will be held as previously scheduled. Postponed papers’ dates are adjusted.
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Notification of Holidays in Punjab (Previous)