CM Punjab announces 35pc Increase in Salaries of Govt Employees July 2023
Protests of Govt Employees continued in Lahore the capital city of Punjab. The demand of all govt employees of Punjab is that govt should increase their salaries up to 35pc on the running pay and a 17.5 pc pension for retired employees.
A few days ago Federal Govt approved the budget and increased the salaries of employees up to 35pc on the running basic pay with 17.5pc pensions. After that Sindh, Balochistan, and KP followed the same increase in pension and salaries.
But The Govt of Punjab did not follow the federal govt and increased only 30pc salary on the initial basic pay of 2022 Pay Scales with only a 5pc increase in the pension.
Punjab is the largest province in Pakistan and has a huge number of employees. All these workers are on roads in lahore for their rights. CM Punjab Mohsin Naqvi is ignoring the protest and sit-ins of these workers.
According to the sources PM Shahbaz Sharif has directed the CM Punjab to increase the salaries up to 35pc with a 17.5pc pension increase. Mohsin Naqvi is the caretaker CM, so he is not worried about the upcoming elections.
CM Punjab Announces 35pc Increase in Salaries
This news is not announced yet. All employees are waiting for this good news but still, CM Punjab has not issued any directions about such type of change in the budget 2023.
Official Notification of 35pc Increase in Salaries of Punjab
There is no official notification of 35pc increase in salaries.

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