Murad Raas Tweet about Punjab Winter Vacations Extended till 15th January 2023
Murad Raas is 3rd Time Education Minister in Punjab for schools and colleges. He is famous for his tweets in which he made announcements about school matters. Murad Raas clearly denied the extension in winter vacations till 15th January 2023.
He says in his tweet that he also used to go to school in winter and there is no problem to attend school in winter. Here it is also important to know that Murad Raas was a student of Atchison College Lahore.
He also pointed out that the current generation is not interested in anything especially studying. He also pointed the parents that why they are waiting for more winter vacations in Punjab.
Also Read Fact Check on more winter vacation extension in Punjab till 15th January 2023
He made a clear announcement for teachers, students, and parents that there is no more extension in winter vacations for one week. He is clear that all schools and colleges in Punjab will re-open from 9th January 2023.
Parho Pakistan has already informed our readers yesterday that the news of more extensions is fake and there are no more winter holidays. For all the latest updates on Education, Admissions and Jobs stay in touch with us through our following social platforms.
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