Public Sector Organization Atomic Energy Jobs 2022 at PO BOX 10068
If you are looking for a career in Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission then you are informed that the Public Sector organization of Atomic Energy has announced jobs.
The address of this PO BOX Organization is PO BOX 10068 GPO Lahore. Public Sector organization never reveals their names but they are in the defense sector and their pay scales are SPS Scales.
SPS Scales are called Special pay Scales. Employees of these scales got extra benefits from Medical, Residence and Education Facilities. The age of the Candidates should not be less than 18 years and not more than 35 years.
The last date to apply is 26 December 2022.
Details of Atomic Energy Jobs 2022 at PO BOX 10068
The following vacancies are announced.
Post Name: Nurse (SPS-6)
- 3-year Diploma in Nursing with 1-year midwifery course with 02-year experience.
- 3 years Diploma in Nursing with a 1-year course in ICU/Ward etc with 02 years’ experience.
- 4 years B.Sc Nursing (after Intermediate) duly recognized by PNC.
- M.Sc Nursing Two Years course after B.Sc (Nursing) duly recognized by PNC.
Post Name: Scientific Assistant-I (SPS-4)
- B.Sc (1st Div) (In Medical Imaging Technology)
- B.Sc (1st Div) with (Chemistry / in the field Radiopharmacy)
Post Name: Tech-III (SPS-2)
- Matric with Science minimum 2nd Div with at least 50% Marks. Minimum experience of 6 years of the Radiology Department.
- Matric with Science minimum 2nd Div with at least 50% marks with the 01-year technical course in Radiology. Minimum experience of 5 years of the Radiology Department.
Post Name: Dispatch Rider-III (SPS-2)
- Matric at least Second Class with Motor Cycle License with minimum 02 years relevant experience
How to Apply
Application on the given format with attested copies of educational degrees/certificates/testimonials/experience (if any), National Identity Card (CNIC), and domicile must reach the undersigned up to 26-12-2022 to the Pr. Administrator, P.O. Box No.10068 Lahore.
Incomplete applications that are received after the due date will not be entertained. Name of the post for which applied should be written clearly at the top right comer of the envelope.
Atomic Energy Jobs 2022 at PO BOX 10068 Advertisement

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