Fact Check on more winter vacation extension in Punjab till 15th January 2023
According to the news channel City 42 sources Punjab Government is going to extend winter vacations more for one week till 15th January 2023. This news is shared on City 42 News channel. Here is given the screenshots of news channel sources.
Murad Raas has also made an important announcement that there are no more winter holidays in Punjab. Read Full Murad Raas Statement.
But as a fact check, Parho Pakistan has gathered information from verified sources of the Punjab Government and School Education Department Representatives.
Ch. Naveed Deerath who is Deputy Secretary School Education Department has tweeted that there is no consideration of such a plan. He tweeted that ” Till now, The Winter vacations, in Schools are not going to be extended. Not even under consideration. Please, Don’t run behind rumors.”
So there is no confirmation of more extensions in winter vacations in Punjab Schools and colleges. All students and teachers are advised to get ready for the re-opening of schools on Monday 9th January 2023.
Punjab Government had announced winter vacations from 24th December 2022 to 31st December 2022. Then Govt extended winter vacations till 8th January 2023. Now there is news on social media and some small tv channels that winter vacations are going to extend but there is confirmation from Punjab School Education Department.
Stay updated with Parho Pakistan for all authentic news on winter vacations and more extensions in Punjab till 15th January 2023.
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