How to Choose Fields after Matric in Pakistan
If you are a matric pass student and looking for a career counseling and education guide then you should read this article. Matric Results are recently announced and students are looking for higher education or Jobs. In this article, we have discussed both scenarios Job and Education.
The Pakistani government has given much importance to the study of each and every child. The basic education in Pakistan is Matric I,e. SSC (Secondary School Certificate). As the poverty level is increasing day by day, Parents of every child wish that their children may get at least a Matric level education in Pakistan.
After passing matriculation exams students have different opportunities in both perspectives (Job and Study. In this article, I will elaborate on all the possible opportunities for students after getting passed their Matric exam. So that each student could choose his right path according to financial status.
Let’s look at each perspective.
1. Further Studies Opportunities:
The most common and beneficial route for a student after Matriculation is to continue further study in a field which is suitable for him/her. The main factor which chooses the study field is the interest of the student. Some students want to go into the medical field but we force them to become engineers or lawyers. This is a harmful practice for the future of that student. Some students want to become businessmen but the society and his parents push him to become a government servant.
Let’s have a look at the opportunities of study fields in which a student can enrol himself after passing SSC/ Matric exam in Pakistan 2023.
a) Intermediate (F.A / F.Sc / ICS /ICOM
The most common opportunity after matriculation in Pakistan is to pursue intermediate education, which has a two year program. Students can choose different study schemes according to their abilities and interests. They can take admission in F.A (arts). F.Sc Pre engineering, F.Sc Pre medical, Computer Science ICS or commerce (ICOM) based on their career aspirations.
The students who have studied Biology as a subject in their matric classes can choose F.Sc (pre medical) category otherwise they have to choose other categories like ICS/ I.COM.
b) Technical Education (Diplomas)
If a student has some technical interests and wants to learn specific skills he can opt for diploma courses in various fields like electronics, telecommunication etc.
A list of some common and famous diploma courses (Diploma of Associate Engineering) is given as following;’
1 . DAE Electronics
2 . DAE Electrical
3 . DAE Mechanical
4. DAE Metallurgy
5 . DAE telecommunication
6. DAE Auto engineering
7. DAE Civil technology
8. DAE Petroleum
9. DAE Chemical
10. DAE in Computer Science
The above given list is a short list of diploma courses offered by different technical institutes in Pakistan to Matric / SSC passed students.
The Punjab Board of Technical education Lahore supervises taking exams and giving diplomas to the DAE students after 3 years of education in technical institutes.
The students after passing three years DAE exams can get jobs easily in different departments. They can start their own work because they have professional skills. The DAE passed students can’t get admissions in Engineering universities easily because there is only a 2% quota for diploma holders in engineering universities for these students. Associate Engineers can take admissions in BS and BTECH for further studies.
C: A-level or International Baccalaureate (IB):
Some students prefer to pursue A levels or IB programs to achieve an internationally recognized qualification after Matriculation. There are many private institutes which offer these types of programs. After passing these exams Students can take admissions in international universities.
As A level is a globally recognized qualification students from Pakistan prefer to do A level and go abroad to take admission in international universities for higher studies.
D: Vocational Training:
The Pakistan government has established a chain of technical and vocational training institutes in different parts of the country especially in Punjab. Students after Matriculation can take admission in these institutes to acquire technical education in different trades. These institutes provide technical education to the students in a short period. After getting vocational training certificates students can do jobs in different industries for their better future.
Job opportunities after Matriculation/SSC
Students after passing SSC exams in Pakistan can choose their career besides further studies.
Most of the students in rural areas of Pakistan have to do jobs after matric because their parents have financial issues. Students have to sacrifice their higher study dream for better education and the lives of their younger brothers and sisters. They can do a job to help their parents financially.
Job opportunities for Matric students are hereby described:
1. Pak army Jobs:
After passing SSC/ Matric exams students can apply for jobs in the Pakistan Army. At least 2 times in a year Pakistan Army recruits young men.
2. Pakistan Air force
3. Pakistan Air force recruits young persons 2 times in a year. Students after matriculation can apply in the Pakistan Air Force for the following posts.
As an Airman:
Matric pass candidates can apply with minimum 60% marks with elective science subjects in PAF as an Air man.
PAF conducts tests and interviews for the selection of candidates. These tests are conducted in different centres in main cities of Pakistan. Test consists of questions from English, Math, Physics, chemistry and Bio/computer syllabus. The tests are conducted through a computer by selecting the correct answer given on a web based paper.
Successful candidates are later called for interview and medical tests
Join PAF as Civilian.
Candidates having Secondary school certificates can also join PAF as civilians. Candidates having Metric qualification can apply in following categories in PAF as Civilian.
1. Stenographer
2. Foreman
3. Laboratory Assistant
4. Steno typist
5. Library assistant
6. Overseer
7. Nursing Sister
8. Charge Hand
9. MTDs
10. Receptionist
Several other posts are not mentioned above in which PAF offers candidates to apply having metric qualifications.
Join Pak Navy after Matric:
Pakistan Navy also offers metric based jobs to the candidates. Candidates having Metric (with science subjects) qualification can apply in Pakistan Navy for the post of Sailor and Pak Marines.Candidate having 60% marks in Matric in science subject can apply for these posts.
After recruitment in other fields Pak navy gives training of 6 months to 1.5 years to the candidates to prepare them for the job.
Pak Navy also recruits SSC passed candidates as Civilian. After joining Pak Navy the Navy person gets many benefits like free medical treatment for himself, his family and his parents. Family accommodation or a house rent allowance is also given to the Navy persons.
There are many opportunities for a person recruited on a lower scale post to be promoted after passing departmental exams.
Join Pakistan Rangers /Police /Frontier Core (FC):
After Matriculation you may join Pakistan Rangers, Punjab Police, FC (frontier Core), WAPDA, PTCL, Health department, Education department (as C-iv) and many other public and private organisations offer positions for these candidates.
It is important to clarify that while a matriculation certificate can open some job opportunities, further education can significantly broaden your career. Take some time to explore your interests, skills and passion. Identifying what you enjoy doing will help you to make perfect decisions about your education and career path in the future.