New A-level Exam Dates Announces in Pakistan
At the start of this month, two A-Level exams were canceled on 10 & 12 May due to unrest situations in the Country after the arrest of Ex-Prime Minister Imran Khan.
In a recent development, Cambridge Assessment International Education ( CAIE) announced the schedule for the canceled paper. A-level Mathematics and History papers will be held on 21 June. The mathematics paper will be in the morning and the history paper will be held in the evening.
The results will be available by 18 August. Colleges, Schools, and private applicants have been informed of this decision. Earlier British Council announced that results will declare on 10th August, but Inter Board Committee of the Chairman informed foreign boards about the cancellation of the exams.
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Due to the arrest of the Ex-Prime Minister, British Council canceled two exams. Allama Iqbal Open University AIOU and Punjab Educational Boards also postponed the papers which were scheduled for 10 & 12 May. The other educational institutions also announced the revised exam dates.

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