Punjab Govt Announces Regularization of Contract Employees Official Notification
Govt of Punjab Services and General Administration Department S&GAD has written a letter to the Deputy Accountant General of Punjab about the act of 2019 and the regularization of contract employees.
In this letter, he said that Punjab Assembly and Punjab Govt has made amendments to Regularization Act in 2019 that all those contract employees who have completed 3 years of service can be regularized.
The Punjab Regularization of Service Act-2010 was amended in 2019 to facilitate the regularization of contract employees and to broaden the scope of the Act to all the contract employees who have continuously been serving as such for a period of three years vide Notification bearing No.PAP/Legis-2(30)/2019/2164 dated 13-12-2019.
Section 2(3) of the Act’s bid provides that it shall apply to all the persons employed on contract in a department, who have completed three years of continuous service before or after the commencement of the Act.
All those contract employees who have completed their 3 years of service on the same scale should be now regular. But the employees who are on BPS-16 and above and were not selected through PPSC are waiting for their regularization through CM Punjab Approval.
In 2021 PPSC Rule was amended and according to the latest activity, CM Punjab can use his power to regularize the BPS-16 and above contract employees without PPSC Examinations.
SSEs and AEOs working in School Education Department are looking toward CM Punjab since 2014. The total number of employees is more than 14000. They have all been working since 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018 as a contract employee and many promises have been made by Murad Raas for their timely regularization.
Regularization of Contract Employees Official Notification

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