FBISE announces GPA System for Matric and Intermediate

Federal Board FBISE announces GPA System for Matric and Intermediate

Federal Board of Secondary and Intermediate Education FBISE has made an important announcement for the Grading system. Board has announced a new GPA System and Grades awarding system from 2023. FBISE also changed passing marks from 33% to 40%.

It is notified for information of all concerned that FBISF will communicate in phased manner results of and levels in the grading system instead of absolute marks in order to stop the culture of race of marks.

In this regard, it has been decided that grading system for class and will be implemented from Annual Examinations 2023 and for class 10th and 12th from Annual Examinations 2024.

Initially the results will be communicated mentioning absolute marks, grades and GPA. Subsequently the results of Annual Examination 2025 will be communicated only in Grades, GPA and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).

Federal Board FBISE New Grading GPA Formula 2023

Letter GradeIn PercentagesDescription5.0 Scale(GPA) For 1 credit subject
A++95% to 100%Exceptional5.0
A+90% to 94%Outstanding4.7
A85% to 89%Excellent4.3
B++80% to 84%Very Good4.0
B+75% to 79%Good3.7
B70% to 74%Fairly Good3.3
C60% to 69%Above Average3.0
D50% to 59%Average2.0
 E40% to 49%Below Average1.0
Uless than 40%Unsatisfactory0

FBISE Tweet about GPA System and Grading Formula

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