PMS Islamic Studies Past Paper 2020 by PPSC – Parho Pakistan

PMS Islamic Studies Past Paper 2020 by PPSC is available here on Parho Pakistan. This paper was held for PMS Exams by Punjab Public Service Commission. Islamic Studies is a compulsory subject of 100 marks. 20 Marks are for Objective & 80 Marks are for Subjective Part. You can solve the Islamic Studies Paper of PMS in Urdu or English.

PPSC PMS Islamic Studies Past Paper 2020 Subjective + Objective

ATTEMPT FIVE Questions in all including Question No. 7 Which Is Compulsory. Attempt In Urdu or English.

Q.No.1 What is the difference between Deen and Religion? Elaborate on the need and importance of religion in the contemporary era? (20 Marks)

Q.No.2 Describe the obligatory importance of Zakat. How can it be made effective in Pakistan to eradicate poverty from society? (20 Marks)

Q.No.3 Highlight the administrative and diplomatic achievements of the Holy Prophet (POOH) in the context of the state of Medina? (20 Marks)

Q.No.4 Illustrate the administrative and Judicial Structure of Khulfa e Rashideen. In which way the present age got advantage from them? (20 Marks)

Q.No.5 How the Islamic state protected the rights of non-Muslims? Analyze this statement with special reference to the Pakistani Constitution. (20 Marks)

Q.No.6 Write a detailed note on any two of the following topics? (10+10=20 Marks)

  • Finality of the Prophethood
  • Status of women in Islam
  • ljtihad

Q.No.7 Objective (20 Marks)

For Objective Questions Solutions Click Here

PPSC PMS Islamic Studies Past Paper 2020 Subjective
PPSC PMS Islamic Studies Past Paper 2020 Objective

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