PMS Pakistan Studies Past Paper 2020 by PPSC – Parho Pakistan

PMS Pakistan Studies Past Paper 2020 by PPSC is available here on Parho Pakistan. This paper was held for PMS Exams by Punjab Public Service Commission. Pakistan Studies is a compulsory subject of 100 marks. This is a subjective type of paper & there is no objective in this paper.

PMS Pakistan Studies Past Paper 2020 by PPSC

Attempt FIVE Questions in all including Question no. 8 Which is Compulsory. Attempt in Urdu or English.

Q.No.1 Discuss the role and efforts of Muslim religious leaders for the establishment of Muslim society in the subcontinent. (20 Marks).

Q.No.2 Aligarh Movement injected a new life in the dead body of the Muslim nation and helped to regain its lost glory and prestige. Discuss. (20 Marks).

Q.No.3 Examine Allama Iqbal’s Concept of Muslim nationalism In the light of Allahabad address. (20 Marks).

Q.No.4 Access the growing Impact of Information Technology on Pakistan’s Socioeconomic and educational complexion. (20 Marks).

Q.No.5 Give recommendation to make SAARC an effective organization at regional level keeping in view success of European Union. (20 Marks).

Q.No.6 The Objectives Resolution (1949) Satisfied both orthodox and modernists by combining
the features of western and Islamic democracy. (20 Marks).

Q.No.7 Write short notes on any two of the following (10+10 Marks).

  • Problems of Education System in Pakistan.
  • Unemployment in Pakistan
  • Water crisis in Pakistan

Q. No.8 Fill in the Blanks. (2X10=20 Marks)

  1. Anjuman Himayat-e-Islam founded In the year —-in the city of—–.
  2. Muslim League Demand of Separate Electorate was accepted In—– Reforms in the year——-.
  3. In the year 1916 joint session of——- and ——-were held at Ludcnow.
  4. Post-Khilafat era had seen the launching of two Hindu movements ——and ——against Muslims.
  5. In the year —-Communal award was passed and in the year ——- first India act was enacted.
  6. Last Governor-General of Pakistan was— —– and first President of Pakistan was———.
  7. Pakistan became member of the SEATO In the year——and signed the Baghdad pact In the year—-
  8. Hudood Ordinance was promulgated by ——–Regime in the year—–.
  9. On 5 August 2019, the Government of India abolished Article—- and article——- of the Indian
  10. On——- March 2020 Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran khan announced economic relief package in the wake of the Corona Pandemic.
PMS Pakistan Studies Past Paper 2020

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