Use of Social Media Banned For Government Employees

Use of Social Media Banned For Government Employees All You Need To Know

It has been decided to ban government employees from giving their opinions while using social media. According to the details, government employees will not be able to like, comment, or share without the permission of the competent authority.

Government employees will not be able to give their opinion on any websites, the Regulation Wing has prepared a summary regarding the ban on the use of social media by government employees. In summary, the Punjab Government Service Rules 1966 have been changed.

According to the text of the summary, government employees use Facebook-Twitter-Vets app-Instagram. While using social media, the style of government employees is not according to the standards of the government.

On the contrary, information comes from social media. According to the text of the summary, public servants should be banned from giving their opinions while using social and digital media.

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